

Built by designers who code.

The Simple, Elegant, Responsive, Front End Rapid Development Kit.

A.mphibio.us adapts to the way you work, it allows you to develop and design your concepts within a browser faster, with less effort. Its adoptable set of shorthand classes dramatically speed up your prototyping process.

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  • Responsive Design from Mobile Up

    A.mphibio.us loves mobile. Using the Sequence.js touchable responsive slider with advanced CSS3 transitions, A.mphibio.us elegantly scales down to adapt to displays on laptops, tablets and mobile phones, in both landscape and portrait mode.

    Blue Sky Balloon
  • Fast Start => Rapid Development

    A.mphibio.us is a rapid development tool. It empowers you to employ CSS best practices right out of the gate.

    A.mphibio.us is based on an established grid architecture that makes mobile compatibility easy. It has a logical file structure and basic UI elements, lightly styled forms, buttons, tabs and more. It uses simple, intelligible code. Plus, customizable shorthand classes make actual coding a snap.

    Blue Sky Aeroplane
  • Design Agnostic

    A.mphibio.us is not intended for use as a UI framework. It doesn't have a default theme. It doesn't require extensive jQuery or advanced programming knowledge. It leverages the “cascade” of CSS. In other words, you don’t have to struggle with your framework to get your project to look the way you want it. A.mphibio.us uses lightweight, basic styles as its foundation. It is ready to adapt to whatever your design methods are.

    Blue Sky Agnostic

More than a Grid

The a.mphibio.us framework is built on the HTML5 Boilerplate includes a series of standard ui elements, commonly used layout templates, sample design templates, and much more...

Intended for rapid application development it includes easy to read code blocks, helpfull comments and plenty of shorthand classes for fewer keystrokes.

Did you Say jQuery?

We've adopted plenty of your favourite jQuery functions and plug-ins (included in the '/src/js' library), example galleries using of isotope plugin, responsive js slide show, Sequence.js

The E.volutionIncludes E.veryone

A.mphibio.us is not adverse to change. In fact, A.mphibio.us thrives on input from developers who put it to use. You’re openly encouraged to build on top of it. If you have input about A.mphibio.us or any of its functionality, feel free to add your changes and comments to our public repository on Github. You’re invited to become part of the active community and add features and improvements as you see fit. Just ask for a pull request.

We’ll give you access to a rapid development kit to get started with your project. The kit contains some basic layout grids, some base typography and styles, and a collection of sample themes that you can play with.

You don’t have to be an absolute genius to start working with the best of CSS practices.

How this all got started...

As Part of the Research and Development Team at LasoSoft Inc./Treefrog Inc. We get to work on some really cool projects, keep watch of trends emerging technologies, in general keep tabs on the best of breed on responsive web development and user experience. When one day while discussing a particular methodolgy used on a project with another developer when... DING!

We spend the first few hours of every project doing the exact same things...

  1. Grab the latest jQuery
  2. Grab the latest HTML5 Boilerplate
  3. Grab the current flavour of grid960
  4. Grab my latest project for my reusable styles
  5. Grab jQuery Plug-ins as required
  6. Spend two days fighting with competing classes and variables
  7. Now I can start buuilding...

This aims to resolve some of that initial pain and help sets standards to build with.

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